Why Radiation Truth?

“With 450,000 people homeless, fallout across much of Japan, and a damages bill estimated at $300 billion, Fukushima is the biggest industrial catastrophe in the history of mankind”, said U.S. nuclear-industry whistle blower Arnold Gundersen, June 10th, 2011.

History repeats. Horrific industrial accidents, and even normal operations have harmed and killed tens of thousands of people and wrecked destruction on the rest of our planet. Each time massive PR campaigns are run to control the damage to the industry’s image. A small sampling is listed below.

The unfortunate truth is that in many cases the government regulatory agency that is supposed to be a watchdog for the industry is in fact one of the biggest advocates for that industry. This comes about through a combination of lobbying efforts, campaign contributions and the financially rewarding revolving door. Our goal is to educate, and share resource and information. We at Radiation Truth want to get beyond worrying and whining. We want to fight misinformation, improve our media, and learn what can be done to decrease the health risks that come with increased exposure to radioactive elements.

A few industry disasters/cover-ups from the last 100 years

  • Asbestos – ’30s to ’40s
  • Donora fluoride fog – 1948
  • Three Mile Island – 1979 & ongoing
  • Philip Morris second-hand smoke – 1981 to 1989
  • Bhopal – 1984 & ongoing
  • Chernobyl – 1986 & ongoing
  • Paxil, Avandia & other pharmaceutical products – 1990s & ongoing
  • BP Gulf Oil Spill – 2010 & ongoing
  • Fukushima Daiichi – March 2011

Free app to learn more about the nuclear power plants closest to you (in the US)

Who is responsible for the content of Radiation Truth?

We are health-conscious concerned citizens, parents, science-lovers, truth seekers, earth-lovers. We get absolutely no monetary compensation from this site or anything related to the anti-nuke movement. We believe strongly in the Precautionary Principle. We believe in government by the people for the people. We believe in grass-root activism.

3 thoughts on “Why Radiation Truth?

  1. Dear Sirs,
    We have a lot of stuff about western colo. and the coverup on low level radiation. I had no idea how widespread the contamination really is. Theres a reason newsweek called grand junction the glowinthedark city. The grand valley is so tucked awayand there is so many birth defects-cleft pallett, mongolism, cancers,ect. something has to be done.When I worked at Halliburton I told the new hires to wear rubber gloves under cotton ones cause of the Rulison Project.I got called in the office and was told to shut up cause its neutral. I said no-the half life is 10,000 years not 50. The Rulison Project.Its where they detonated underground to frac the natural gas. there were 3 .one in rulison,one in Parachute and a “number.One morning a friend said he “punched a hole for a bomb” He was working up in Colburn,where a mudslide covered up. The couldn’t sell the gas, it was radioactive.But the contamination was in a huge triangle,not whats said. There was 8 detonations in Glade Park, The grand valley contained all those. In Battlement Mesa they did experments. In Gateway they mined .In Fruita, radioactive mill tailings had to be cleaned.yada,yada,yada.
    Ive been sending stuff all over the country trying to get people to notice the gradeschool bullshit going on here,if you got any suggestions,I’m open!

  2. What about Monsonto geneticly engineered seeds and plants a changing our food supply?

    Nicholas Taleb is talking abut this on twitter and has written some papers analysing this. He is conserned about the danger of loosing or damaging out food supply and unknown consiquences.

    His twitter address is:

    He has experienced smear campains and has uncovered scientism (propaganda) mascarading as science. He claims monsonto has been ghost writing academic papers and news stories.

    He brigs up the precautionary principle.

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