Women, breast cancer and nuclear power

“Breast cancer and ionizing radiation: Ionizing radiation has long been regarded as the most established environmental risk factor for breast cancer.” Article

On Radiation Truth’s Facebook page, female fans outnumber male ones by 2 to one. What do you think is the reason women are more concerned about side effects of nuclear power?

Thank you New York Times

…but shouldn’t 3 simultaneous reactor meltdowns be front page news?

I am glad to see that the tone of New York Times articles have become more critical of the nuclear industry over the last two months. The latest article describes how Anthony Sarrack, an NRC engineer pointed out serious design flaws in the design of venting systems at his reactor and others in the United States similar to the ones in Japan. His frustration led him to eventually leave the industry.

The NRC and IAEA were the experts early on in the Fukushima Daiichi disaster. Now the Times is looking at these organizations with a more critical eye. If you would like to check out the articles that came up on a search of “nuclear power” visit the Times.

… for publishing “Unsafe at any Dose”

… in the April 30 magazine. In “Unsafe at any Dose” Helen Caldicott’s asks physicians to get involved, and stand up to the nuclear power lobby. “Physicists had the knowledge to begin the nuclear age. Physicians have the knowledge, credibility and legitimacy to end it.”

80% of the world’s power can be met by renewables

Nearly 80 percent of the world’s energy supply could be generated by truly safe renewables by mid 21st century according to latest report released by the UN Intergovernmental panel on Climate change. Politics and public policy will determine whether this transformation will take place.

Remember what the historian Howard Zinn said ” We don’t have to engage in grand, heroic actions to participate in the process of change. Small acts, when multiplied by millions of people,can transform the world. “